No Fur, No Problem? The Controversial Practice of Selling Shaved Cats as Sphynx Cats

The world of Sphynx cat enthusiasts is unique, welcoming, and tight-knit, but like any community, it is not immune to deception. The rare and hairless Sphynx cats, renowned for their striking appearance and playful temperament, can command high prices. This has unfortunately led to some unscrupulous individuals attempting to make a quick profit by selling shaved regular cats as Sphynx cats. This article aims to shed light on this controversial practice and how to avoid falling victim to such a scam.

The Deception of Shaved Cats

The Sphynx cat's signature hairless look is a result of a natural, genetic mutation. A cat that has been shaved, on the other hand, has an entirely different skin texture, behavior, and care needs. It's also important to note that shaving a cat to mimic the Sphynx's hairless appearance can be very stressful for the cat and can even result in health issues such as skin irritation and ingrown hairs.

The scams typically involve individuals shaving regular cats, claiming they are Sphynx cats, and selling them at the high prices that genuine Sphynx cats often fetch. This deceptive practice is not only unethical, but it is also detrimental to the well-being of the cat involved and can lead to heartbreak for the unsuspecting buyer.

How to Recognize a True Sphynx Cat

1. Skin Texture: A true Sphynx has a specific skin texture. Their skin should feel like warm suede and have a certain degree of wrinkling, not smooth or silky like a shaved cat’s skin.

2. Whiskers and Eyebrows: Sphynx cats often have sparse, short, or broken whiskers and eyebrows. In contrast, a shaved cat's whiskers will be normal length and full.

3. Body Temperature: Sphynx cats have a higher body temperature than regular cats due to the lack of fur, making them feel warm to the touch.

4. Ears: Sphynx cats have notably large, open ears. Regular cats usually have smaller ears relative to their head size.

5. Eyes: Sphynx cats typically have large, lemon-shaped eyes that are set wide apart.

Protecting Yourself Against Fraud

Buyers can take several steps to protect themselves from such scams:

1. Do Your Research: Understanding the distinct characteristics of Sphynx cats is crucial to recognize a scam.

2. Meet the Breeder: Visit the breeder’s premises to view the conditions in which the cats are kept. A responsible breeder will welcome a visit.

3. Check Documentation: Ask for documentation, including health checks, vaccinations, and pedigree certification, if applicable. A reputable breeder will have no issue providing these documents.

4. Consult a Vet: Consider arranging a vet check before finalizing the purchase. A trained vet can quickly distinguish between a shaved cat and a Sphynx cat.

While incidents of people getting fooled by buying a shaved cat instead of a Sphynx cat are rare, they are certainly not unheard of. It is essential to be informed about the distinctive features of Sphynx cats and the best practices when purchasing from a breeder. Informed and careful buyers are the best defense against these unfortunate scams.

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